About me
Independent journalist, MIT graduate, volunteer
I'm an independent science journalist and editor with a masters in science writing from Massachusett’s Institute of Technology (MIT). I’ve been incredibly privileged to work with and learn from some of the most impressive science writers in the world. My work has been published in MIT Technology Review, Ars Technica, Canary Media, and more. I also publish Connective Issues, a visual newsletter about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a connective tissue disorder I have.
I am also a managing editor managing editor for the Internaional Nitrogren Management System (INMS), a scientific effort to understand the global nitrogen cycle and to inform policymakers.
I volunteer as co-chair of the Education Committee for the National Association of Science Writers (NASW), where I help lead mentoring and educational programs provided by the NASW. I have also served as a mentor and editor for science writing students, helping them refine their stories and reach their potential.

Work philosophy
I'm lucky to have found a career I love, but my humble roots and advocate's heart mean I'm not just here for the (also humble) paycheck. I believe every person has the power to create change through their work. Ultimately, I do what I do to help build a more equitable world in which everyone can thrive. I inform all by providing accurate, accessible information. I uplift others by centering equity in everything I do. I defy by asking tough questions and having hard conversations in an effort to help dismantle oppressive systems.
Equity-minded multimedia pro
I have produced and edited videos for MIT's Initiative on Combatting Systemic Racism, a data and computer science group focused on quantifying systemic racism.
In the past, I worked for the City of Boulder in Colorado, managing the city’s online newsroom, print newsletter, and leading their branding overhaul. In these roles, I wrote and edited stories and provided creative services for graphic design, video production and more.
While at the city I joined the Racial Equity Core Team to help advance racial equity in city attitudes, action and policy and helped develop, then visually design the city's first-ever Racial Equity Plan. I was also on the Equity Recovery Team, working to ensure Boulder community recovers equitably from the COVID-19 public health crisis. This lens impacted every aspect of my work for the city, leading me to constantly ask, “How can we better serve the historically underserved?”
Background image: Akagera National Park, Rwanda. Photo by Shel Evergreen.